You know when You are Pushing a Certain Age When...
1. You start liking things that you normally didn't go for. Like looking at handbags on eBay. Seriously, something as feminine as handbags, designer handbags no less? And babies. I no longer cringe at the sight of small children. Instead, I attempt to smile and wave at them. Perhaps even one day I will touch them. The horrors.
2. Retro music starts to sound real good in your ears. The Classics, you might say. Like 80's hip hop/dance music. (Please insert background music of Salt'n'Pepa's "Push It" here) I believe it to be a pathetic attempt to bring back the fond memories of tights and extra-large sweatshirts and scrunchies.
3. You start to pay attention to the many follies that may enhance the ravage of age on your face and body, like McDonald's, the sun, dry weather, and generally anything that consists of living prior to your 25th birthday. I go to the gym, use eye cream, and shop for groceries (including yogurt). What has the world come to?
4. Begin every other sentence with, "Back in my days..." or "I remember this one time..." Why would you even use the phrase that makes you sound 20 years older than you are?
5. Damn, I forgot. Oh right, the combination horrible short-term memory and fleeting attention span makes you go "Eh?" every 3 minutes.
6. Hormones kicking in. Starts to get emotional over the littlest things. For example, I totally teared up during the opening sequence of "Juno", when she was walking down the street downing a 4-liter Sunny D. By the way, it's such a lovable movie, and everyone in it were so awesome. Big love to Juno's dad's line, "Find someone who think the sun shines out of your ass." *sob.
Some of these changes are quite sudden, but some are long time in the making. So far, it's hard to tell if I'll fulfill my dream as a old spinster with 7 cats, because I haven't started on the collection of felines yet. However I'm already halfway there, so here's to aging!