Whirlwind of Fire

Saturday, December 14, 2013


Random things you come across in the day-to-day, necromancer can easily be one of them.  It came into my life as part of the JRR Tolkien's book The Hobbit.  Benedict Cumberbatch voiced not only Smaug, but the Necromancer as well.  It was a very interesting interview, BC explaining his process of arriving at the voice of the Necromancer.  To sound evil and ethereal, I imagine it'd be pretty hard not to get into that head space.  Makes me worry about him a little.  But I suppose that is part of the job.  I wonder if they can claim WCB for that, PTSD.

Fully obsessed.  It's really quite tragic.  But it's only so if I make it so.

Feeling all kinds of stupid tonight.  And bored. And a little lonely.  Seems everyone's out there having fun, of sorts.  But I know what happens when I go out, I'd get awkward and uncomfortable and can't wait to come home again.  All this time and I still haven't fully adjusted.  It's exhausting trying to fit in.  Some people make it look so easy, they must take so much joy in it.

And I'd rather not think about it.  Maybe the reason why I'm feeling down is because I'm PMSing.  Which is entirely plausible.  A lot of times I'd be like "Grrrr" then when I actually get it then it's like "Ohhhh".  Ladies know what I'm talking about.

I'm tired, and stupid.  I need to sleep now. My own uninspired-ness makes me angry.


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