A lot of people seemed surprised to hear that Japanese was my major. Most proceeded to ask what I'd do with it, but I've yet to come up with a satisfactory answer to that question. I know why I wanted to study it: 1. I couldn't get into Commerce/International Relations/Economics because of my poor math; and 2. I really liked studying Japanese. So there. I did well, and for my last year, I enjoyed it so much I began to understand people's leanings towards considering grad school during that period of time. It's like eating a sugar cane backwards, it's sweeter as you go.
However, after graduating, I abandoned Japanese entirely. No Japanese books, dramas, music, magazines, whatever, I didn't come in contact with anything Japanese. The only things I had that were Japanese were the Nana and Death Note comics. When I started reading them I read them in Japanese, so it seemed appropriate to continue to read them in Japanese. But other than that, I completely grew out of touch with my love. I don't usually notice it, because these random stuff I've replaced with English equivalents, like television or books. But sometimes when I turn around, I am reminded of all things Japanese that I once loved.
Like Shiina Ringo (椎名林檎). I looked her up on youtube, and I found a clip of her singing 歌舞伎町の女王 (Queen of Kabuki-cho) live. It's so wonderful. I listened to it over and over again. And I organized my cd's, and uploaded all my Glay songs. Oh my god, seriously, I have so many of them, and it's an incomplete collection at that. But I listened to them, and I missed them so much. So back to youtube I went, looking for live clips, new stuff, etc. Thank goodness for youtube.
This sudden nostalgia was halted by the sharp realization of how much I've forgotten all the things I've learned. For the past couple of days I've been trying to remember what does the construcion v-とする mean. I cannot remember, and it's sad and scary at the same time. Time to hit the books, I suppose. I don't really have much else to do.