Whirlwind of Fire

Thursday, April 26, 2007


Any misconception about blog changing the mainstream, changing the media, changing the way we communicate can be largely ignored through the existence of this particular blog. These misconceptions of web2.0, or up-t0-the-minute communication is really dependable on two factors, that there is a cohesive audience, and there is a plethora of dedicated bloggers whose intent is to blog about things that matter.

For this particular blog, the above factors do not apply. Therefore, blogging is really insignificant if the contents do not matter to a larger audience.

Cogito, ergo sum.

I think I may be interested in learning Latin. Or Spanish. Cantonese, although I always say I should learn, is not really on the top of my priorities list.

Striving to have more substance. Pray.

Monday, April 09, 2007

New Features

On my way into this place, I noticed that Blogger has two new features: Newsreel and Video bar... I wonder what would happen if my keywords happen to be Katie Couric and farting... random musing of the day.

Indeed, the phrase new features is a convenient segue into my life, because that's all I talk about, right? I got promoted, am now the 'ass-man' of the B&S 'bux, starting tomorrow. So last week I had goodbye party, and I tp'ed the TN backroom and front with used up debit roll paper, with words like 'adieu' and 'farewell' and 'welcome to s'bux', etc. I had a blast with dewar. That was that.

(Commercial break, just did a personality test, turned out to be an ISTP, which is a load of bull@%$# of course)

Oh and I got an iPod.

And I am currently hooked on ANTM and Pussycat Dolls... insert shameful face here.

Also being referred to as 'Katie Couric' from now on, thank you very much.

Very much infatuated with Stephen Colbert, will ride the C-train any night.

Alright, will not divulge anymore disturbing information, I'll see you all later.