Whirlwind of Fire

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Page views

On the Blogger dashboard there is a 'page view' counter.  Obviously this is a very important statistic for people, because having readership means things you write get read, and it's no longer a one-way self-fapping street, this blog-writing business.  You have readers, you have an audience, there are people who are taking the time and reading the words you wrote, and by god, who knows, perhaps the words might have meaning for them.  So one dreams on.

From the way I mock this particular statistic it may seem I'm being pretentious.  Making fun of something while I secretly check my own 'page view' every other hour.  First off, let me assure you that is absolutely untrue.  I cannot for the life of me actually care how many people reads this thing.  At this moment in time is staying steadfastly at zero, thank you very much.  Second of all, I chose to write about this 'page view' is because of Sherlock.

Ah, Sherlock.

In the past few years since I last wrote, there were many things that helped me to shape me into the person I am today.  What is that exactly?  Well if I can't say then I can't tell you.  But one of the things that helped to shape me is Sherlock.  Sherlock helped me to discover my inner fangirl, Sherlock helped me to discover BBC, and Sherlock introduced me to Benedict Cumberbatch, my future husband.  So I would say Sherlock has had quite an impact on me in the last couple of years.

Always loved detective stories, and Sherlock is the best that's come in a long while.  Created and written by Steven Moffatt and Mark Gatiss, it takes a clever spin on a century-old character into the current consciousness.  Benedict and Martin are the perfect Sherlock and Watson.  And Benedict, sigh, unbelievably sharp witty and absolutely sociopathic human-being.  Warms my heart every time he gets excited over a '3-patch problem' or another serial killer.  The best, and I do mean the best.

But I digressed so faraway it's almost hard to get back.  Yes, page view.  For my favorite episode, 'A Scandal in Belgravia', Sherlock had thought the page view number of Watson's blog was meant to be a hint to a code.  Of course that was not the case, but it was still quite funny when he thought he had cracked it.  See what I mean about modernization?  Dr. Watson writes a blog!

Alas I must bid thee good night.  This is another new/old obsession, this obsession of Shakespeare, Hiddleston and Thor.  Bet you never thought I'd string those words together.  Ah to be so unpredictable yet so predictable, I'd like to think I share at least that trait with Jim Moriarty.

Goodbye (in that Jim Morirarty sing-song voice).  Fans of Sherlock would know what I'm talking about.


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