Whirlwind of Fire

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Try to be inspired

That's what writers want, right?  Be inspired, write something inspiring, make a difference in someone's life?  Unfortunately that is not going to come to pass today.  Or many other days.

Many times I have heard, or rather, read, is that the key to good writing, is just to sit your ass down, and put words to paper.  Figuratively nowadays, I suppose.  So let's hope this one blog a day thing will eventually mean I will write a book, or a collection of essays of sorts.

I mean, if Carrie Bradshaw can publish a book with her columns, who is to say the same wouldn't happen to me by writing about absolutely nothing on a blog that nobody reads?

Talk about being delusional, HA!  There is too much practical in me to dream about things like that.  So please don't take it seriously that I want to publish a book or become a writer.  It's one thing to try to be clever and come up with one-liners; it's quite another to write a full-fledged story with beginning/middle/end and be gripping the entire time.  Much like running a marathon, I would imagine.

Which reminds me, I need to read Murakami's marathon book.  Not that I run marathons, but I do think there are commonalities when you talk about long-distance running.

So tired.  I think I have fulfilled the quota of meaninglessness for the day.  Good night.

Oh, before I forget, need to jot this down.  I think today's the first time that I feel like I have a better grasp at this CSA thing, that I'm actually confident in what I was doing.  And what was I doing?  A lot of little things, none of which important.  How long did it take?  Only 2 and a half months. Ha.


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