Whirlwind of Fire

Monday, September 25, 2006


Which would make the previous post VIFF I. But I'm not going to change that, because I am not an anal person. I am a slob.

Anyhow, previously I was talking about the films I would miss because they are playing at TIFF and not VIFF. So there is Babel, and All the King's Men (which I heard not-so-good reviews about), and Stranger than Fiction, starring Emma Thompson and Will Ferrell. That's about it. I would really enjoy watching Will Ferrell in a serious role, I think, much akin to Steve Carrell in Little Miss Sunshine, which I am determined to go watch with you, Ellie. My goodness, when did you leave that post?! I haven't been online for ages. Well, only a week. Were you talking about Wednesday the 20th or the 27th? 20th has already past, and 27th I can't cuz I'm closing. Sigh. We'll find a day, we will.

Thursday night I went to see Troilus and Cressida with Anitar. Bard on the Beach. Brrrrr, cold. But rather enjoyable. Apparently, a different on the play than Shakespeare intended. Interesting. And oh, our conversations, I spoke much more than I do in a week. I do enjoy a good conversation. Anyway, Troilus and Cressida is a love story between the two lovers, unfortunately situated in the smack middle of the Trojan war. The last take on the cruelty of war is a bit... superficial in my taste. And if they want to make a statement on the current affairs with this play, then I must say I was disappointed. However, it's the political undertone that I feel distasteful, the play itself was quite interesting. Trage-comedy apparently.

Also, friends from afar visited our household for the last week. Absolutely spiffing, as always. Miss them already (they left on Saturday). Wait... today is Monday. Sigh, whatever the expression is for missing somebody.

In regards to Loulou's comment about my writing. Girl you got it all wrong. My posts here are random meaningless... rant. In terms of online writing, I don't read that much English posts except for Ellie's, and Ellie's are good. I read mostly Chinese ones, and there are many many talented people. I am but a blunt amateur in the world of writing. In fact, I wouldn't really consider my random posts to be "writing" at all.

In response to miss c's comment of my imaginary hermit lifestyle. I guess you are right, the lifestyle depends upon the frame of mind also. I may as well live in a cottage now, the way I live my life. Don't go out except for necessities. Rarely go out for fun. The club/bar scene? Forget it, no such thing. There is just too much necessities I must worry about, which sucks. Thus the PMS-y rant about living away in a mountain somewhere and never see people.

What a random post. Started watching this Korean drama called My Girl. May God have mercy on my soul.


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