Whirlwind of Fire

Monday, August 28, 2006

I have got to stop starting my blog entries with the phrase "The other day." There's two in a row, and I feel so uncreative.

(Wait, is that even a word?! Shame.)

Today I will touch on the subject of "my favorite things." It's a tool that we all use to get to know somebody. Ever since my first day at Japanese class, we learned how to say, "I like (blank)," or "My favorite (blank) is (blank)." It is a crucial component of one's definition of "self", what one likes. Or what one hates, depending on the mood. Even I have used this tool to come up with conversation topics with new partners, such as "What's your favorite movie?", "What kind of music do you listen to?", as if these answers can actually bring us to a better understanding of each other. But I digress.

My favorite flower is hibiscus. I like it so much that that will be my choice tattoo. If I ever get a tattoo, it'll be a hibiscus flower. I like it for sentimental reasons. When I was in Japan, it was summer, everywhere you see there are these stylized hibiscus flower designs, on sticker pictures, what have you. I've grown to associate it with Japan=summer=happiness.

My favorite band is Glay, of all time. It's the first band I've ever paid attention to, followed them with a zeal, and though I never learned all their lyrics, I do have their concert videos and dvds. The kind of rock/pop will forever be my genre. I don't know why I fell in love with them in the first place, perhaps for their androgynous make-up they had at the time and their over-the-top makeup and costumes. The music is good too.

My favorite book is Little Prince. It still is. Again, I read it while I was in Japan, and it touched me immensely. I was obsessed with that book. So simple, so fragile. I can't read it now, I'm much too calloused for it.

My favorite Japanese drama is Long Vacation. Sigh, KimuTaku when he was youthful and scrawny, and he played the piano. What's not to love?

This is precisely why I can never carry on a conversation regarding these topics with people at work. Try telling the peach that my favorite Japanese drama is Long Vacation, there is so many riddles with that sentence I don't think the peach will get it. You must be of a certain culture and a certain age to understand what I'm talking about. And that is why I lie when it comes to these things. Well, maybe not about the flower, that part is easy enough. But the parts like favorite music, (rock), I never elaborated. A little secret, I only started listening to Nirvana after Glay revealed in an interview that their choice album of the year (2000 I think?) was a compilation of Nirvana's greatest hits. I'm so easily influenced.

Yet another installment of total pointless blog. I just feel like I gotta write something, you know, albeit all garbage.


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