I have in my hands the most recent issue of GQ. This offended some people when I said I must be a closeted gay man, since I love to read GQ and Detailed. Both magazine having a very urbane, very sophisticated tone to their articles and arts, but obviously targeted at the male audience. Nevertheless, I find their articles more exciting and diverse than that of women's magazines. Case in point: last year both GQ and Vogue (or Vanity Fair?) sent reporters to go along on Bill Clinton's charity tour in Africa. The GQ reporter talked in-depth of Clinton's work and the location's political climate, and the situation of Clinton's charitable foundation. The Vogue article, however, talked of the palpable sexual chemistry Bill Clinton has on women in a room. Le sigh. Are you serious?
Anyway, I digress.
GQ is awesome, even the clear objectification of the women that show up on their pages. This issue they have Daisy Lowe and Emmanuelle Chriqi. Mmmm. The article that prompted me to rant on about the magazine is called "Leave No Man Behind". It is about the government agency JPAC (Joint POW/MIA Account Command) and civilian volunteers who join their forces and go to different parts of the world to search for the American soldiers who'd died or went missing years ago. It is an emotional piece, leading from a man named Tommy Doyle who was told his father Jimmie Doyle left his family after his stint as a tail bomber in the Pacific during WWII. Turns out not so much. The article went into details all sides of the story, with so much human interest that it was a great read.
The magazine also had other articles. Their man on the cover is Shia LaBeouf. I don't know why all guys I know detest this wise-cracking youth, but I find his quick wit hilarious. Also the magazine teaches you how to grill. Not that I ever grill, but you never know when it may come in handy. All in all, a solid read for my last day of vacation.
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