Whirlwind of Fire

Tuesday, November 14, 2006


1. Marie Antoinette, according to Antonia Fraser, did not utter those infamous words, "Let them eat cake".

2. I am tired of driving

3. I am tired of the driving that made me miss Monday night TV

4. I have never disliked a winning contestant, but I am willing to make an exception for Jeffrey, the winner of Project Runway

5. Sorry, disregard that, I still cannot stand Eva, the 3rd season winner of ANTM

6. Let me reiterate, I hate people

7. This week I will go see Stranger than Fiction, Borat and Babel, alone

8. Only You is the cutest chick movie ever; how can you resist the combination of Italian scenery and Robert Downey Jr.?

9. If not of TV people, my Freebie Five would be the below:

Kimura Takuya
Johnny Depp
Robert Downey Jr.
Sacha Baron Cohen (this is a new one, he is indeed very hot)
Al Pacino (when he was young, preferably Godfather I)

10. For Christmas, I want to buy an Apple iPod for myself


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