Javier & Natalie
But most importantly, Stellan Skarsgard was brilliant as Francisco Goya, a Spanish painter who lived through the Spanish Inquisition and the French Revolution. Using his obsession with Ines, played by Natalie Portman, I thought Milos Forman did a fantastic job illustrating this particular period of time at this particular place (excuse the pun).
Personally I have never heard Goya the artist before, but his work is really amazing and has such raw power coming out of it. I loved Javier Bardem's Lorenzo, who struggled and shifted from one ideal to another in the movie.
Can I just say I really liked this movie? Just thought I should make a record of it. Too bad it was not widely released in Vancouver, otherwise it would have been really tempting. However, considering my track records (ie. La Vie en Rose), I probably would have waited till the DVD came out anyways.
Interesting... speaking of DVD's, I still haven't seen Todd Hayne's I'm Not There at my local video store yet. Pity, I really wanted to figure out what Ben Whishaw was saying in the movie.
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