Whirlwind of Fire

Friday, October 19, 2007

FB can be hazardous

Apparently, one of my 'friend' from facebook (in real life my coworker) actually went and read the terms of facebook, and found out that fb can claim ownership to all that you put up in fb. Including pictures, which they can do all kind of things with. I don't quite understand the intrinsic danger of having someone else own your pictures, but I must categorically say this: Beware!

Beware, also, of the stalkers on fb. I just looked at pictures of the birthday party of the younger sister of a high school acquaintance... and saw a guy whom my friend had a crush on in high school. Small world, ain't it? He seems to be going out with one of the girls in the picture, but I am not certain. Though a picture may be worth a thousand words, there's only so much you can tell from a random group photo of bunch of twnese girls and a lone hk guy off to the side. See what I mean about stalking?

After 5 days straight of openings, I finally got to sleep in, only to the sounds of constant jackhammering. I persisted, however, for another hour, until I couldn't pretend I'm lying under the sun on a beach somewhere anymore. I hate this construction going on. Had a nasty experience with workers that I won't go into details. Though apology was issued, it remains an uncomfortable situation that I shall remember for a while yet.


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