Idea for a novella?
I've always wanted to write something longer, like a novella or a screenplay. However, most of my ideas are too half-baked and immature, causing me to toss them out like yesterday's newspaper. This no doubt will join the pile, but it helps me cope, so bear with me.
Dad: I want to die. I just survived a major operation, and I came home to rest and recover, only to find my family distanced from me, and my son a disappointment. I cannot communicate wiht him, the words coming out of his mouth not making any sense to me. All I know is he drinks and smokes and joined a gang. He failed his courses at school and is a chronic liar. I worked hard most of my life to provide for him and this family, and this is what I receive in the end. Perhaps it is too late to fix my or his life now.
Mom: I want to die. I married a man who is the same as his son. Both value their freedom and their friends more than this family. I am slaving away at a crap-paying job 40 hours a week to provide for the basic sustenance for my family, and this kind of husband and son is what I get. My high blood pressure is not making any of this easier. I am afraid one day I will have a stroke and die, what will happen then?
Son: I want to die. My parents don't love me, they never did. When I was young, they never paid any attention to me. Now I am bigger and made my own decisions, they come down on me for everything I have done, or have not done. I hadn't been to school, I never bothered with assignments and classes. I liked two girls and they didn't work out, and that made me even more depressed. I started dealing x for this gang of people, I started smoking and drinking because everyone else was doing it. Now I tried to get out and I did, but did my parents know/care? No. Sometimes I think it's better that I had never been born.
I wish I'd never been born as well.
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